Disability and the Church

by | Feb 6, 2023 | Disability | 1 comment

Disability and the Church – Baptist Bulletin Winter 2022

Recently published in theĀ BaptistĀ Bulletin, Winter 2022

Jeff Straub

Jeff Straub

Church Historian

Jeff is an experienced professor of Christian history and theology. In 1990, the Lord gave Jeff and his wife a wonderful son who has special needs. Due to issues related to the pandemic, Jeff has had to curtail his travel plans to concentrate his energies on loving his wife and son. When things change, Jeff hopes to again travel internationally to train Christian leaders. He continues to publish in the field of American religion. Research interests include Baptists and slavery, racism, and freemasonry as well as Pentecostalism, and global Christianity. Jeff has taught around the world including Canada where he resided with his family for his first nineteen years of ministry; Romania, Russia and the Ukraine in Europe; India and a limited access country in Asia; as well as Zambia and Kenya in Africa. He also speaks in US churches as the opportunities arise.

1 Comment

  1. Jim Chittam

    Thank you for writing this and including the resources.
    There is a definite need for evangelical churches to be more intentional in their ministry to those with disabilities.


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